AML 2070.0541
Survey of American Literature
(20th Century)
--Online Handbook--

(This online handbook may be supplemented by a paper handbook from Custom Copies. I will notify you in advance if such is the case.) Contents
(click to jump to the following sections)
  • Writing Help Resources
  • Reading Actively & Taking Notes

  • »»Writing Help Resources
    I strongly encourage you to avail yourself of on-campus resources to help you with your writing. You have already paid for these services through your student fees, so put those dollars to work!
  • The Writing Centre in Broward Hall can help with specific writing difficulties. Ask for help with specific items, such as activee voice, punctuation, etc. Do not walk in, flop your paper down, and demand general help. They will not proofread your work -- that's your job, not theirs. Neither will they help you generate ideas. They will help you polish your work, however.
  • Also available is the UF Online Writing Help Site, which has a FAQs section, and which will field general writing questions. Caveat: I have not evaluated this site, and have not heard from students who have used it, so I cannot speak to its quality.
    Of these two resources, I recommend the Writing Centre in Broward Hall. There's no substitute for face-to-face help.
  • There are also a number of tutors and proofreaders who advertise around campus. Charges, and results, vary drastically -- caveat emptor. (Athletes have tutoring services available through Academic Administration. Why isn't this service available to non-athletes? Your guess is as good as mine.)
  • Remember that I have office hours, and that I will schedule conferences before each paper. Remember also that neither am I a proofreader; that's your job.
    Whatever the case, remember that plagiarism will result in your failure from the course. Don't let someone else write your paper; don't pay someone else to write your paper; don't get papers online.
    (back to Contents)
    »»Reading Actively & Taking Notes
    Reading is an activity -- emphasis on active. No mere sitting like a lump, running one's eyes over the page passively here. Reading's also a skill which must be practiced and honed like any other.
    Thereby, reading actively comprises
    Taking effective reading notes thereby entails
    Keep notes in the text itself (unless a library book), on a separate note sheet for that text only, and in a reading journal.

    General caveats:

  • never write in library materials
  • "speed-reading" courses are instruments of the Devil and you will go to Hell for using them (Think I'm kidding? Go ask Dante.)
  • "Cliffs Notes" and such ilk are crap unworthy even of high-school students. Just read the book and be done with it.
    (back to Contents)
    (back to AML 2070.0541 Mainpage.)