ENC1101.1713 Paper #1 Assignment

Instructor: Nick Melczarek
Office: 5th floor Rolfs Hall (Bertha Mason Suite)
Office hours: R Periods 3&4
Department 'phone: 392-6650
Office 'phone: n/a
e-mail: nickym@melczarek.net
(send e-mail only -- no attachments)

Contents (click to jump to the following sections)

Paper 1 Assignment (READ ALL THE WAY THROUGH):

»» (Definition/explanation paper): Choose one of the following topics for a 4-5 page paper: (back to Contents)
To do any of these three, you can use (in whatever combination fits your project): When incorporating your previous writing into Paper #1, you'll need first to revise and edit those previous drafts; you'll probably also need to delete those drafts' introductions and/or conclusions. Since you've already done the work, use your notes and the texts we've read to locate some choice quotations from our writers to help you along.Review in your packet and your notes the writers we've read, and their concepts:

de Saussure (in Palmer):

Althusser (in packet):

Foucault (in packet):

(back to Contents)
»» What I'll look for in your paper:


writing mechanics: (back to Contents)
»» DUE DATES AND ACTIVITY DATES: (back to Contents)
»» Troubleshooting & therapy: If you have questions about the assignment or your paper that we don't address in class or during conference times, (back to Contents)

Ciao, Nick