AML 2410.1631 Homepage
Contemporary U.S. Women of Color
(Re) rac-/class-/gender-/sex-ing Identities
Fall 1999

Instructor: Nick Melczarek
Office: 4303-D Turlington
Office hours: MW 6th Period & by appt.
Department 'phone: 392-0777
Office 'phone: 392-6650 ext.295
(remember -- no attachments)
MWF Per 6 (10:40-11:30 a.m.)
Rolfs 105

Course Syllabus Class Policies

This page will be your source for access to on-line information (assignments, e-handouts, help sites, etc.), an on-line version of the syllabus and class policies, as well as other nefarious Web hooplah. E-mail and class listserves, as it turns out, are best not accessed from Netscape, but rather directly from the e-mail program (selectable from the menu bar on the desktop).

Currently, this site is still under construction; it will be more developed, but never actually complete, since I will often update information on upcoming assignments on a regular basis (so, parts of it will always be in a state of perpetual change). Once everyone in the class has a little more Web experience, I will expect you to check this site regularly for such updates.


  • HOME ACCESS: If you have a computer at home and wish to access your 1102 account from there, the NWE page has information on how to do so in their FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) site. Since there are almost uncountable different systems out in e-dom, there is no standard answer to "How do I get to this from home?" You will most likely have to physically bring yourself to campus, access the NWE here, and either print out the info or record the website and try that from home.

  • NWE HANDBOOK: A handbook for the NWE -- filled with information, FAQs, etc. -- is available on-line. USE IT. If you would like a paper ("hard") copy, you can purchase one at Goering's Book Store.

    Ciao, amici studenti!