Course Policies
AML 3271.1188 African American Literature
Survey 2 (1940 - present)

Summer A 2001 / MTWRF Per 2 (9:30 - 10:45 a.m.) / TUR 1315
course listserve:
Nick Melczarek, instructor Department phone: 392-6650
Office: Rolfs 5th floor e-mail
(send no attachments!)
Office hours: T&R Per 3 Office phone:

(click to jump to the following sections)
Ideas/Helping out Assignments Class Participation
Listserve Quizzes & Exams Paper Formatting
Class Conduct & Harassment Pagers and Cell Phones Attendance/Absences/Tardiness
Academic Honesty Plagiarism Student Grievance

»»Ideas/Helping out
If at any time you have any ideas or suggestions you would like to share with me or with the class, please let me know (in person or through e-mail)! Any questions or concerns you have about your work or the class can be voiced to me outside of class, during my office hours. I'm only the instructor -- you make the class.
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Have assigned readings completed and be ready to discuss them in class for the day they're assigned. Listserve assignments are due by their assigned day/time to allow e-mail to do its job. Assignments not submitted on time receive no credit. If you're absent for any class or scheduled conference meeting, it's your responsibility to get lecture notes from classmates, and turn in work by due dates/times.
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»»Class Participation
Simply attending class is not enough; you are expected to actively participate. Ask questions and offer comments. Having assigned texts read (and with you) helps the rest of the class, since everyone can equally interact. Remember also: participation requires attendance. If you're not ready, don't show up (no, this is not an excused absence). Conferences count as class time, as does the listserve (q.v. below).
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I will subscribe all class members to our central e-mail "list," or listserve, an informal venue for posting questions, comments, observations, insights, and gripes about the readings to everyone in class (including me). ("Informal" does not mean "sloppy and inconsiderate.") Listserves frequently stimulate class conversation, and offer shy students opportunities to contribute more fully to the course outside the classroom environment. You are required to contribute to the listserve. Sometimes specific listserve assignments will be required; other times, general comments will be requested.
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»»Quizzes & Exams
Expect brief, short-answer quizzes frequently to encourage attentive reading. If you show up late for a quiz, you cannot make it up. Quizzes missed due to pre-announced absences can be made up by prior arrangement with me.
We will have two scheduled exams, corresponding (roughly) to mid-term and near end-of-term. The exams comprise a combination of brief answer questions (quotation identification, historical facts, definitions, etc.) and brief essay questions (comparison/contrast, textual exegesis, connective/evaluative thinking, etc.). Exams cover only material assigned to be read up to the exam dates. (Evidence of cheating on any exam or quiz will fail you from the course.)
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»»Paper Formatting
  • Type or computer print your long paper (including drafts); if using a dot-matrix printer, the print must be dark, clear, and easy to read. All text must be in the same font and font size (no smaller than 10, no larger than 12 -- padding your paper by printing in a large font will drop your grade automatically).
  • Citation and documentation of sources must follow current MLA guidelines for research papers.
  • Use standard 8 1/2 x 11" typing paper. Type must be double-spaced, and on one side of each page only. Maintain margins at one inch from all sides of the paper. Include a cover sheet (see example in course packet), with your name, the paper title, course number, the date, and whether the document is a draft (or draft#) or a final (in that order).
  • Do not number the first page of your paper, but include your last name and appropriate page number for all subsequent pages, in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Staple papers BEFORE you turn them in -- do not rely on me for a stapler.
  • If your paper inolved mutliple drafts which I have seen, then those drafts MUST be included with the final paper.
    I will not accept papers that do not follow these guidelines.
    As befits 3000-level writing, papers which are difficult to read because of basic writing flaws (poor grammar; careless punctuation, spelling, or usage mistakes; lack of editing; overuse of passive voice; etc.) will receive a substantially lowered grade. See the 3000-level paper writing tips site for guidance.
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    »»Class Conduct & Harassment
    You are expected to show respect for diverse opinions (both mine and peers') during in-class discussion, in papers, during conferences, on the listserve, and in e-mail. You are also expected to participate in class discussion in a responsible, respectful, adult manner, presenting opinions but also permitting others to present their opinions. Harassment -- comprising name-calling, derogatory comments, and rudeness of any sort -- directed toward either myself or another student will not be tolerated. One instance will receive a verbal reprimand; more than one will damage your class-participation grade; continued incidents will result in expulsion from the class and disciplinary measures by University authorities. [Text adapted from official English Department Policies.]
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    »»Pagers & Cell Phones
    All pagers and cell phones must remain switched off during class meetings and individual conferences. If your pager or cell phone goes off during class time or individual conferences, you will be counted unexcusably absent and receive no credit for that day. Repeated incidents of class disruption by pagers, cell phones, or other electronic devices will result in me asking you to leave class.
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  • Class attendance is mandatory. Roll will be taken each class session. Two absences are permitted to each student with no questions asked. More than two unexcused absences after those will result in a student's grade being lowered in one-letter increments. (Excused absences include those for University sports/music/academic programs with prior notification from those departments; for illness with a verifiable doctor's note; and for religious holy days with prior notice.) If you anticipate an absence, do not call the UF English Depatrment; instead, notify me in person or by e-mail. Contact other students and find out what assignments or notes you missed in class -- remember: as stated above, students absent during any class are still responsible for completing readings and turning in assignments for the next class session.
  • Tardiness disrupts the class flow. Arrive to class on time -- not five or ten minutes later. Parking difficulties are immaterial -- make efforts to arrive earlier on campus. Three late arrivals count as an unexcused absence (don't rely on this: tardies accumulate quickly). If you are absolutely unavoidably late, enter the classroom as quietly as possible and take the nearest seat (don't trek across the room); if you are compelled to explain your late arrival, approach me about it after class.
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    »»Academic Honesty
    Unless otherwise indicated by me in connection with group work, all work must be individual, original, and for this class. Evidence of unauthorized collusion (working with another student or tutor), plagiarism (use of another's ideas, data, and statements without acknowledgment or minimal acknowledgment -- see Plagiarism entry below), or multiple submissions (submitting the same work for more than one class), will lead to procedures set up by the University for academic dishonesty. All students are expected to honor their commitment to the University's Honor Code. [Text adapted from official English Department Policies]
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    Plagiarism, quite simply, comprises taking any amount of someone else's work and claiming it as your own. This is not the same as paraphrasing or quoting (where you give credit for another person's work). Plagiarism by any student will result in failure from the course; will be reported to department and school authorities; and could result in expulsion from the university. Plagiarism is no way to learn -- why risk it?
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    »»Student Grievance
    Complaints about separate assignments should be discussed with me. Complaints about the final grade should be discussed with me in at least one conference soon after the next term begins. If the conference on the final grade does not resolve the problem in a valid, college-level manner, the complaint can be expressed on a form in the English Department Office, 4008 Turlington; the form must be accompanied with copies of every assignment and the instructor's directions. The form and accompanying course material will be given to the Director of Writing Programs for further action. Please note that the department does not review a complaint about a single assignment, nor will it review a complaint about final grades unless all assignments are submitted along with the instructor's directions for the assignments. The review committee may decide the grade should remain as is or be raised or lowered; its decision is final. [Text adapted from official English Department Policies]
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