HUM 2450.A01/.A02 American Humanities
--Exam 1 Study Guide--
updated 05/26/04

NOTICE FOR SUMMER A: this study guide includes material that I anticipate we will have covered in time for Exam 1. You will be notified of any additions in advance.

Any material that you have been assigned to read for class (in Pohl's book or online), any images viewed or discussed in class, and any material covered in class lecture, is eligible for this exam. Review your notes and Framing America for the following concepts, terms, artist names, or work titles that may appear on Exam 1. Don't forget to avail yourself of the Power Point online course notes:
05/11/04 "Discovery and Colonization"
~05/17/04 "God, Devils and Work"
05/21/04 Visuals for "Early Slavery": slave images | slave ships | Triangle Trade/Middle Passage Maps.
("Early Slavery" in-class notes)
05/24/04 "Building the 'Enlightened' Republic" Part 1
~05/25/04 "Building the 'Enlightened' Republic" Part 2
("Allegorical Representations of Native Peoples" in-class notes)
(week 3 or 4) "Defining 'Americaness'" Part 1


--Protestantism; Anglicanism (Church of England)
--Lutheranism, Calvinism, Quakerism
--grace, the elect, Covenant Theology, etc.
--slave trade, Triangle Trade, Middle Passage
--memento mori; vanitas
--Penn's treaty
--tabula rasa, social contract, natural rights
--"Image-cult" of George Washington
--pater patriae, primus inter pares, "new Cincinnatus"
--"myth of the frontier"
--sublime, beautiful, picturesque
--"Christianized naturalism"
--"landscape tourism"
--Early rationales/motives for exploration and colonization
--psychological impact of "discovery" of Ameria on European mind
--reason for Spanish missions
--mission-style churches
--Spanish views of native peoples in the Americas
--other European and European-American views of native peoples
--treatment of native peoples by Spanish and other Europeans
--how and to whom Columbus and John Smith both advertised America
--properties of artwork by native peoples in Central and North America
--influence of Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Quakerism
--properties/beliefs/tenets of Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Quakerism
--difference between Puritans and Pilgrims
--elements of Early and later Protestant portraiture in America
--architectural styles of early Colonial America
--sermons & sermonizing
--slavery; the Triangle Trade
--colonial arguments for and against slavery
--influences of Newton and Locke
--original buildings that influenced the Neoclassical style
--early U.S. buildings in the Neoclassical style
--native influences of the founding documents
--influence of native symbols (Iroquois League) on early U.S. iconography
--influence of Classical Greek and Roman symbols on early U.S. iconography
--"myth of the frontier"
--psychological/artistic influence of newly-acquired American territory
--Theodore be Bry frontspieces and engravings
--unknown native artists: Segesser I and Segesser II
--unknown artist: the Freake portraits
--Thomas Smith: Self-portrait
--Justus Englehard Kuhn: Henry Darnall III as a Child
--Benjamin West
Death of general Wolfe
Penn's treay With the Indians When He Founded the Province of Pennsylvania in North America
--Thomas Jefferson: Monticello; University of Virginia
--John Singleton Copley
Boy with a Squirrel (Henry Pelham)
Governor and Mrs. Thomas Mifflin
Watson and the Shark
--John Trumbull
Death of General Warren at the Battle of Bunker's Hill
Death of General Montgomery at the Battle of Quebec
The Signing of the Declaration of Independence
Niagara Falls from the American Side
--Gilbert Stuart
the "Lansdowne Portrait"
the "Athenaeum Portraits"
--Jean-Antoine Houdon's statue of Washington
--Charles Wilson Peale
Washington at Princeton
Washinton and His Generals at Yorktown
--Rembrandt Peale
the "Stone Porthole Portraits"
--Thomas Cole
Niagara Falls
Falls of Kaaterskill
--New England Primer
--Slavery Images
--Slaveship Images
--Slave Triangle Trade Maps
--Thomas Paine, Common Sense
--Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence (the document)
--Freneau & Wheatley's poems
--Benjamin's Franklin's letters
--Hector St.Jean de Crèvecour, "What Is an American?"
--Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America