HUM 2450.A01/.A02
American Humanities
--Course Policies Page--

Summer A 2004 / section A01 M-F 10:50-12:05 a.m./section A02 M-F 12:15-1:30 p.m./P-162
Dr. Nick Melczarek Department phone: 395-5075
Office: L-216 e-mail
(send no attachments!)
Office hours: M&W 8:00-10:00 a.m. & by appt. Office phone: 395-4452

(click to jump to the following sections)
Attendance & Tardiness Participation
Class Conduct Pagers, Cell Phones, etc.
Computer Access Withdrawal and Incompletes
Students with Disabilities Academic Honesty & Plagiarism

»»Attendance & Tardiness
Class attendance is mandatory, as per the Department of Humanities. Your signing up for this class constitutes an agreement to adhere to the attendance policy. I will take roll at each class meeting. Attendance counts toward your class participation grade, since despite the online elements of this course, participation in class requires your physical presence. Missing two weeks of class (6 periods for MWF classes, 4 for TR classes) will cancel all your attendance. Missing four weeks of class fails you from the course. You must present a valid reason and documentation for any absence to be excused (medical emergency, etc. -- no car trouble, late/missed bus, non-emergency medical, bad hair days, or the like). If you anticipate an absence, notify me in person on by e-mail; e-mail must be time/date-stamped at least 24 hours before your absence.

Tardiness disrupts class flow. Arrive to class on time -- not five or ten minutes later. Travel difficulties are immaterial. Three late arrivals will count as an absence. If you are unavoidably late, take the first seat available to you as quickly and quietly as possible; do not trek across the room to your usual seat. Check with me at the end of class or during breaks (if we have them) to be counted on that day's roll; unless you check with me, you will stay marked absent.
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You must have an e-mail account and web access to participate in this course. If you don't have both of these yet, obtain them immediately. Simply attending class is not enough. Have assigned book pages read before you come to class. Have online material printed out to bring to class, and read it before you come to class. I also expect you to actively participate. Ask questions and offer ideas based in the texts. I do not give you participation points just for showing up. You may contribute to the course discussion through e-mail as well. Continued reticence and/or unpreparedness will count against you.
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»»Class Conduct
This course will discuss diverse perspectives and ideas, many of which may be unfamiliar to you. Whether you agree with ideas and perspectives from the reading material, lecture, or class discussion, you will show respect for those ideas, perspectives, and the people who hold them. This counts in class, on paper, and in e-mail. You will participate in class discussion in a polite, responsible, adult manner. ANY name-calling, derogatory or belittling comments, disparaging attitude or the like, directed toward either myself or another student, will NOT be tolerated One instance will receive a verbal reprimand; another will loose you all class participation points. After the first instance, it remains at my discretion to expel you from class and seek disciplinary measures from SFCC authorities. When not lecturing on course material, I will operate as mediator for class discussions. No informed comment in class requires my approval; however, I will intervene in exchanges inappropriate to the course or its conduct requirements.
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»»Pagers, cell phones, beepers, PDAs, electronic alarm watches, etc.
All such electronic devices must remain switched off during class time and in individual conferences -- turn them off before class. If any of these in your possession goes off during class or conferences, you will automatically be counted absent for that session. This counts especially for exams. Repeated incidents of interruption by such devices and your checking/responding to them will result in your expulsion from the class.
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»»Computer Access
SFCC already requires each student to have computer access. This course functions through both Internet websites and e-mail; you must have regular, dependable access to both.
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»»Withdrawal and Incompletes
If you cannot meet the course requirements or know you are failing, withdraw by the following deadlines: Withdraw and Receive a Refund May 12; Withdraw and Receive a "W" June 11. A grade of "I" for "incomplete" can be given only to students who have completed 75% of the semester, but who cannot compete the semester for dire reasons. You must pick up, complete, sign and get my signature on the necessary SFCC Incomplete Contract to receive an "I" grade.
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»»Students with Disabilities
Please discuss with me during the first week of the semester any special accommodations you will require due to a verifiable disability. For me to effect any such accommodations, you must already be registered with the Disabilities Resource Center (S-112).
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»»Academic Honesty & Plagiarism You're here to learn, not simply to accrue empty grades. I will therefore pursue and prosecute any instance of cheating, plagiarism, or other academic dishonesty in my class with the utmost vigor, in accordance with the SFCC student handbook. Any form of dishonesty will result in automatic failure from the course; will be reported to SFCC authorities; and could result in expulsion from SFCC.
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