ENC 1102.1729
Writing About Literature
-- Mainpage --

Fall 2001 / MWF Per 5 (11:45 a.m. - 12:35 p.m.) / TUR 2349
Nick Melczarek, instructor Department phone: 392-6650
Office: Turlington 4357 e-mail nickym@melczarek.net
(send no attachments!)
Office hours: MW Per 4 (10:40-11:30 a.m.) & by appt. Office phone: t.b.a.

Course listserve: FALL-1729-L@lists.ufl.edu

"The Imagination that produces work which bears and invites rereadings, which motions to future readings as well as contemporary ones, implies a shareable world and an endlessly flexible language."
-- Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark (xii)

"This experience of rereading a text over the course of forty years has shown me how silly those people are who say that dissecting a text and engaging in meticulous close reading is the death of its magic. Every time I pick up Sylvie, even though I know it in such an anatomical way -- perhaps because I know it so well -- I fall in love with it again, as if reading it for the first time."
-- Umberto Eco, Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (12)

(click to jump to the following sections)
  • Course Purpose & Overview
  • Required Texts and Materials
  • Assignments/ Grade Dispersement
  • Course-Related Sites Links
  • Course Policies Page

  • Updated Schedules (as available):

    »»Course Purpose & Overview
    Even though the title of ENC 1102 is "Writing About Literature," the course focuses on developing students' abilities to read, write, and think critically. Prewriting, writing, and revising are the main concerns of this coourse, with attention to punctuation, grammar, and correct usage of "college English." The course is more cconcerned with writing than with literature itself. We will use literature and reactions to it as sources of ideas to write about, and will learn and employ various literary terms and concepts -- specifically, traditional explication de texte, Reader-Response, Marxist, and feminist critiques -- as tools to explore and discuss literature.
    NOTE: I assume that students enrolled in ENC 1102 have displayed sufficiency to enter ENC 1102. Therefore, I expect students already to have a grasp of composition basics: thesis, paragraph, elementary grammar, etc. We will attend to these items throughout the semester as necessary.
    (back to Contents)
    »»Required Texts and Materials
    books available at Wild Iris Books, 802 W. University Ave.
    (back to Contents)
    »»Assignments/ Grade Dispersement (for quizzes, A=100-90, B=89-80, C=79-70, D=69-60, F= no cigar)
    The course listserve (FALL-1729-L@lists.ufl.edu) offers an on-line space for student questions, explorations, and discussions of the course materials outside the traditional classroom space. Treat the listserve as s somewhat informal extension of the class -- treat others with respect I require of you in the classroom. Remember that e-mail to the listserve gets sent to everyone in the course; e-mail for me alone should be sent to my e-dress above. (Q.v. the Course Policies Page.)
    See Course Policies Page for any other details.
    (back to Contents)
    »»Course-Related Sites Links (back to Contents)