Eddie on phonePatsy & champagne

Fabulous Tidbits
ENC 1101.1661/1665
Fall 1997

Instructor: Nick Melczarek
Office: 4214 Turlington
Office hours: MW 12-1 p.m. & by appt.
Department 'phone: 392-0777
Office 'phone: 392-6650 ext.302
e-mail: amelczar@ucet.ufl.edu

Nick's Utterly Ephemeral Gallery
some of the fabulous fictitious folk who populate these pages
Eddie on phone Eddie -- on the move, on the go, looking for fabulous writing
Patsy -- fash mag slag, but she knows how to punctuate Patsy & champagne
Cybill on phone Cybill -- rambunctious, and can edit like nobody's business
Maryanne -- "I am NOT a cliche!" Maryanne
<(soon a Frasier pic here)> Frasier -- he's listening . . . for GRAMMAR!
Niles -- wouldn't leave your structure in peril <(soon a Niles pic here)>
Others to arrive soon!
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