Parenthetical Citations

(from The St.Martin's Pocket Guide to Research and Documentation.)
  • For papers in this class, when you quote or otherwise use information from a source, use parenthetical citations (where you indicate the source in parentheses without a break in the text) -- NO footnotes or endnotes.
  • Titles of books, magazines, journals, newspapers, television series, movies, and albums are to be underlined (Interview with the Vampire, Time, New York Times) or put in italics (Star Trek:The Next Generation, Dookie).
  • Titles of chapters in books, articles in magazines or journals, articles or columns in newspapers, episodes of a television series, and songs on an album are to be placed within quotation marks ("Interplay of Language on the Set", "Best of Both Worlds, Part 1", "Alaska Man Jumps Burning Ship, Saves Others", "Longview").

    MLA Format for Parenthetical Documentation

    MLA [Modern Language Association] style uses parenthetical citations in the text of an essay to document every quotation, paraphrase, summary, or other material requiring documentation. Parenthetical citations correspond to full bibliographic entries in a list of works cited at the end of the text. Usually the author's name is mentioned in a signal phrase introducing the material, and the page number of the original source is given in parentheses after the material. Use an author's full name the first time you cite a source. For later citations, use just the last name. In general, make your parenthetical citations short, including the information your readers need to locate the full citation in the works cited list.

    Place a parenthetical citation as near the relevant material as possible without disrupting the flow of the sentence, usually before the punctuation mark at the end of the sentence or phrase containing the material. Place any punctuation mark after the closing parenthesis. If your citation refers to a quotation, place the citation after the closing quotation, but before any punctuation mark. For long quotations typed as a block, place the parenthetical citation two spaces after the final punctuation mark.

    Here are some examples of the various ways to cite sources.